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We are committed to gathering and sharing information. We hope that information will help us all to slow the process of eutrophication, to protect Hotel Lake's water quality, the surrounding watershed, the underlying aquifer and the wildlife and plant life that live here.


Lakeview! There’s something personal about a lake.

Oceans offer their vast expanse, beckoning the heart outward and reminding the viewer that they are but a small piece of something much, much bigger. Rivers are nice but doubtless have their own agenda, a self-determination lurking just upstream that mere mortals are powerless against.


But lakes - and particularly Hotel Lake in Pender Harbour, British Columbia; lakes free the heart to look inward to seek answers from the soul to questions from the heart.  You can learn who you are by sitting by a lake… and who you want to be there with.     Brad McCannell



We acknowledge with gratitude the time and effort of volunteers and the outstanding results achieved by our lapsed predecessor,  Area ‘A’ Quality Water Association (AAQWA).  Realizing the benefits of that organization, we have established a new association to carry on.


Our hope is that anyone who comes to this website will leave it knowing a little more about the Hotel Lake environment and the wildlife and plantlife that, live here. We are confident that, in the long term, greater knowledge and understanding will enable better decision making.


Coming Up Next in Our January Newsletter


Grizzly Bear


Our association is presently comprised of a small group of volunteers.  This website has been developed by our webmaster Brian Croft and contributors include Bob and Carole Stickley, Brian and Sharon Croft, Ron Knight, Tarren McKay, Brad McCannell, Joe Harrison, Dr. John Field, Trevor Andrews, Chris Hegele, Theresa McNicholl, Rod Brown, Jim Little, Debra Huffaker, Reni Ducich, Tony & Kelly Pownall, Frank Jensen, Peter Boyer, Dr. Bob Vroom, Dr. Sharon Johnson and Twyla Dawn Disney.


This website is available to all and we have enjoyed very positive responses. Anyone may ask to be on our mailing list and will recieve our monthly newsletter.


This association is fuelled by volunteerism and our modest operating costs are less than $400 per year.   We hope that those who find value in this work will consider becoming contributing supporters.  An annual contribution of $20 per family is suggested.  All contributions will be used to offset the modest annual costs of administering this website.


To become a contributing supporter, an Interac eTransfer can be made to:

If you prefer to send a cheque, just click this:  Email Us Here  and we will send you the postal address. 


We gather information and share it

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